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Posted on April 18, 2024

Designing Mindful Spaces for your Event: An Expert’s Insights on the Dos and Don’ts

Are you ready for another inspiring episode of InEvent Talks? We’re taking a deep dive into the world of creating event spaces that feel, well, amazing!

Joining us today is wellness expert Rosa Castano, the CEO and founder of Workplace Stress Solutions. With over 15 years of experience under her belt, Rosa brings a powerful mix of mindfulness, movement, and making your career feel fulfilling to the exciting world of event planning.

Do you think about presentations that don’t feel like torture and mingling that’s actually fun? Buckle up because Vinni and Rosa are about to spill the tea on creating event environments that not only make people go “wow” but also prioritize their mental health and well-being. From stage fright to the whirlwind of planning, they’ll show us why mindfulness is a must-have in our crazy-fast world.

Whether you’re an event planning pro or just getting started, this conversation is bursting with tips you can actually use to take your event design to the next level.

Get ready to hear Rosa’s story, from the corporate grind to the heart of mindfulness practice. She’ll share her expert advice and real-life experiences, and let me tell you, it’s more than just a chat—it’s a roadmap to completely transforming how we think about and experience professional spaces.

Let’s jump into this conversation and discover how to make your events shine not just for the content, but for how much they care about everyone involved.

Vinni: Hello, everyone. It’s Vinni from InEvent, and I’m joining you for another InEvent talks episode today. We will have a special guest with me to discuss a critical topic you may have heard about. It’s imperative to understand why we speak about it and why it’s important for people in the event industry to be mindful, appreciate our mental health, and discuss all the good and bad things.

So today, we’re going to have Rosa Castano. She’s the CEO and founder of Workplace Stress Solutions, her brainchild over the last 15+ years. She’s had a corporate career in which she worked in all settings, from small business startups to large corporations and nonprofit corporations. She has worked in both the domestic and international sectors.

She’s also a keynote speaker, so she understands how stressful it can be to be on stage and how stressful the backstage planning of events can also be. She applies all her expertise to well-being, mindfulness, and professional fulfillment. As a certified meditation, mindfulness, and movement leader, she combined her passion for well-being with her corporate world knowledge and experience to create well-being workshops, talks, and seminars.

I would love to know more about those workshops and keynote sessions she spoke about, and I’m very excited to have you here today with us. Rosa, thank you for being here. 

Rosa: Hi Vinni, thank you for having me.  

Vinni: Yes, that’s awesome. And are you in Nashville, right? We were speaking about Nashville.  

Rosa: Yep. I am in Nashville, Tennessee, but I have had the privilege of traveling extensively around the world I call Nashville home.  

Vinni: So, why did you start your company and choose this industry?  

Rosa: My background was in medical equipment sales. So, I started with domestic and international conferences from a very young age, like 18. We had a conference in Vienna, Austria, every year, so it was fascinating for me to see, at a very young age, how the conferences in the U.S. work and how the ones in Europe had very different energies and applications. And then, I transitioned into tourism and hospitality. I mostly did tourism here in Nashville, but then for the nonprofit that I worked for, it was a large museum here in Nashville about country music (so you can put those together), I did the U.S., and Canada was my market as well, so I did a lot of traveling and a little bit of everything. So when the pandemic hit, everything shut down. I did my last trade show. I was in Baton Rouge, Louisiana, and everybody was talking about this thing called COVID, and it was just going to be like the flu and where it came from.

When I got back home, we all immediately went into work-from-home mode. On the career side, I did my yoga teacher training. I added meditation, teacher training, and mindfulness. So, I had all of my practices that helped me stay sane, whole, and grounded, for lack of a better term.

I realized that not everybody had those practices and that people are at home without a busy schedule, especially in the events industry, where everything is shut down. And there was no in-person meeting. There was no way to do that, and people struggled. Being at home alone with your thoughts can sometimes be very scary if you don’t have the right tools.

And then I saw that companies really wanted to help their employees but didn’t necessarily know how because mental health was still a very taboo topic. And so I started doing some research and said, well, is there any way or any space for me to create something that brings my experience from the corporate world with my passion and purpose for wellness and well-being, but also brings them and bridge them together in a way that meets people where they’re at.

It also speaks to people in corporate and hospitality settings and people who are doing events and struggling. I realized that companies like Deloitte had chief well-being officers at their C-suite level. This opened up a whole new world because I had never heard of well-being in that capacity.

So I saw a need for it, but how do we integrate the two? How do we all of a sudden go from being in person and busy all the time to being at home and on platforms like what InEvent has, you know, bringing the best of both worlds together? And the irony is that we have things like dogs that bark in the background. I have my daughter home today because she’s six. So we’ve got this little one down here. And so it’s like learning to manage expectations mindfully because life will go on whether we want it to or not. So that’s the inception of how I decided to create this. I brought in mindfulness-based stress reduction training and created applications that met people where they were, and then to that point, I said, how can I integrate this into conferences?

How can I integrate this into when people return to work after the COVID? That looks like yoga classes or meditation classes. And if we don’t even want to go that far, it seems just as simple as a stretch and breathing class, just in the middle of things.

Vinni: How old is she (your daughter)?  

Rosa: She is three years old, so the concept of what mommy is doing right now is slightly foreign.  

Vinni: That’s okay. You can tell her Vini says hello. My wife is pregnant, so I can see how being a mother and woman today is probably the most challenging thing ever. You must deal with your career, home, and child. So, as spouses, we need to be here to support and assist, and of course, it’s always more demanding for the mother, especially in the first years, before the kids can grow up and be more independent.  

Rosa: Exactly. So it’s like learning how to manage and balance both of them.  

Vinni: Awesome. Yes. And what’s her name again?  

Rosa: Her name’s Olivia.

Vinni: Hi, Olivia. Yeah, that’s a beautiful name.

Rosa: But I like to try to debunk the concept of balance because I don’t think there is such a thing as balance. Using the word balance sets us up for failure because it means that things will be perfectly equal at one point, which will never be the case.

Vinni: That’s true. We had more energy and time when we were younger but usually less rest and resources. We have more resources but less time when we get older, right? And less energy. So it’s hard to balance everything in life when going through all the different moments of our careers, personal lives, and decisions. You mentioned yoga and meditation. Is there one thing you recommend for people to be more mindful? 

Rosa: Yes. One of the things that I like to debunk about mindfulness and meditation is that it has to be this vast prep. When people think about starting a meditation, they think they must sit for 30 minutes and be still. That turns off many people because they don’t necessarily have the time or the desire to sit still, and it can feel very uncomfortable.

And so I tell them, let’s start small, or can we start the meditation with two minutes? We may not even call it meditation if it feels very uncomfortable. Can we breathe in, breathe out? Can you do a moving meditation? You don’t have to sit in that capacity while adding those elements to meditation. It all comes down to self-awareness because mindfulness is simply the act of purposefully paying attention. 

But simple doesn’t always mean easy. In my definition of mindfulness, it’s that moment where you create that space between the action and the reaction. Something happens, and then you get to practice pausing and figuring out how to react. We’ve all been in those scenarios where we have knee-jerk reactions or say something we don’t mean, and then we can’t unsay or undo it. 

Or even the moments when we’re just constantly on the move. We’re checking off the checkboxes, achieving the next thing on the list, and not giving ourselves that time and opportunity to sit back and even admire what we accomplished or succeeded. Those are examples of mindful moments; it can be as simple as your morning cup of coffee or tea instead of throwing it into the go cup and bringing it along the way.

What if you just sat with that for a minute? When we start to permit ourselves and that awareness, we can quickly notice when our bodies start giving us signs because we all, especially in this hybrid world where we’re either in the office or working remotely part-time, get in these moments where we sit. We get in the zone, working for two or three hours and forgetting to drink water.

We forget to eat lunch, we forget to go to the bathroom, and we start to ignore our body’s natural needs for nourishment. And so all these things are starting to become more noticeable. We go ”Oh, man, my shoulders are feeling achy because I’ve been sitting here, and they’re working their way up to my ears. So, it’s time for me to step up and move”.

Again, I like to tell people to start small. I don’t eat lunch at my desk. I get up and move and don’t eat lunch, staring at my phone and scrolling. I do everything intentionally. And then, to compound that, I encourage people to live life honestly and deliberately.

That’s a significant element that people forget. They forget that we’re here also to have fun. We’re not here to work. And sometimes it’s tough to do that. The lines get slightly blurred, especially in the event planning world. We get to create some incredible experiences for other people. Still, we also have to remember that we get to fill our cup as well and that when we don’t have the practice of self-fulfillment of just doing something fun, maybe it’s going for a walk, riding a bicycle, going to see a film, whatever it is that is fun for you and fills you up and regenerates you, if you don’t allow yourself to do that,  you’re going to go down the cycle of burn. You’re going to go down on unhinged stress, essentially. Then, I always ask people who they think benefits from burnout, and as it turns out, nobody does, least of all yourself. You suffer, your family suffers, your colleagues suffer, your work suffers, and yet so many of us want to wear it as a badge of honor when, indeed, it’s the complete opposite.

I would much rather see someone who has healthy boundaries, knows when to say no, knows their capacity and limitations to have sustainable practices, and is long-lived.  

Vinni: That makes sense. Yeah, that’s true. We must care for ourselves, benefiting us and the people around us.

So, you mentioned something significant that people can apply to their lives. When they run events or conferences, people mostly say, ”I have no time for a proper lunch, no time for waking up and having time for yourself. ” You have to create the chance to have moments when taking care of yourself, even while running two—or three-day conferences in a large venue.  

Rosa: Yeah, those are some of the most challenging times. And so I call those seasons ”our push seasons” because when we’re on-site, that’s go time. But we must remember, ”I have to eat something so I don’t pass out.”  But you forget because you’re running on pure adrenaline. And then you get to a point where you feel lightheaded or exhausted.

The way mindfulness integrates is that it allows you to see what’s going on and enjoy the moments of the fruits of your labor and what you created because there will always be fires. They’re inevitable. There’s always going to be chaos. That happens as much as we plan, as much as we do our checkpoints and ensure that everything will go great; load-ins will be delayed. Something’s going to break. Somebody’s going to show up late. And so, how do we manage those moments? How do we have that self-awareness to tap into it and be like, everything can be figured out. Let’s see how we problem solve and fix this for when those problems do arise.

Vinni: So, yeah, talking about sound bath sessions and massage lounges, what do you recommend event organizers put in place for their events and trade shows?  

Rosa: Here are a couple of my favorite wellness activations. I love a sound bath because it’s so out of the blue, but it depends on what kind of conference you have. You know, everyone knows the attendees. Are they going to be receptive to it?

Are they going to be open to it? Are they going to push back a little bit on it? So, being mindful of my audience is very important. Sound baths are great. Another excellent technique for any audience is stretching and breathing. I think that’s a great one, whether that’s a way to kick off a luncheon, whether that’s a way before a keynote comes on, even if they’re on the trade show floor, there’s an opportunity to do that, to stop and relax for a minute. One of the most impactful ones is having a meditation session in a breakout room.

Another prevalent one that I use a lot is yoga in the morning. It’s always around 6:30 or so in the morning. It is for those early risers, but it’s also an opportunity for attendees to do something outside their norm. They sometimes get the chance to do that, or perhaps they do get to. My only caveat is to tell people to ensure they are doing these activations at a time that makes sense for the attendees. Sometimes, the conference will bring me on, and they’ll be like, ”Well, our biggest night event is the night before, so I don’t know how attendance will be.”. I always feel like these yoga activities should be done usually at the top of the conference, near the end of the meeting, or anytime that’s not after the big night party because conferences and companies want to see a good ROI; that there was something that people participated in and something that people enjoy. And you won’t get your maximum engagement if it will be after a big rowdy night.

One of my other favorite things about conferences is having a wellness room, which should have low lights, comfy furniture, limited cell phone usage, no talking, and a place where people can decompress. When you’re at a conference, especially two or three days long, you get peopled out, right? Sometimes, you want to go in and decompress for a minute. And they’re only sometimes attached to hotels. So attendees can only sometimes go to their hotel room if they need a break. They have a space called a wellness room where people can decompress.

Zen music is also encouraged. I sometimes caution people who want to use aromatherapy. I caution against that because people are different and may have various sensitivities to smells. So, where one might love the scent of lavender, another might not. Trying to keep things as neutral as possible in that capacity is a great way to integrate those types of things.

But anything that brings in movement and opportunities for connection is also a great way to integrate wellness and well-being in conferences for the attendees and create opportunities for the host and the people making the events.  

Vinni: I have my lavender essential oil here with me. It’s something that my mom loves. She uses it for treatment and almost anything. She always comes to me and says, ”Hey you, get this oil for these types of things or your dad.”

Rosa: Essential oils are perfect for headaches and stomachaches. I love my incense, but for example, I have a friend who, if she’s going to come over to my house, I know I can never burn a candle. She’ll get a migraine instantly, so it’s always nice to keep things as neutral as possible in the conference setting to be acceptable to everybody.

Vinni: Yeah. You said that the critical aspect is knowing your audience, right? Know who they are and what kind of experience they want.

And that can be exercising. That can be stretching in the morning or the middle of the conference. It can also be going outside for a walk or golf tournaments before the meeting starts. There are so many hours we stay connected with our phones as well. Surprisingly, research shows that we learn more using paper and a pen when we write down and read on paper; it helps us learn more and be less stressed and overwhelmed.

Rosa: So what you mentioned about the golf and the other activations is that it’s a great way to have that connection amongst attendees. For example, one of the most popular places for yoga will be on the rooftop of hotels. That’s a prominent & popular place. Also, a great place is next to the poolside, next to big windows in an atrium. People like to see outside because there are many conferences in the winter, and the trade show floor can be pretty dark. You only see the light of day for a short time, so it is an excellent opportunity to see if it is light or dark outside, and it makes for really great connecting points throughout the day.  

Vinni: Nice. One crucial question is how you prepare for your keynote speech on the stage.

Do you have any specific exercise you recommend event planners do with their speakers minutes before they go on stage or a day before? Is there something that you recommend they do or want to tell them? Dry runs are vital, of course, but is there something that makes them more relaxed?

It’s always a very intense moment. We get excited, and we have those jitters inside us, but is there something you do for yourself or that you would recommend?  

Rosa: Yeah, I speak for everyone when I say when getting up on stage, whether it’s a small stage or a large stage, there are always those elements of the jitters you were talking about because it’s exciting, right?

Because you’re excited to share your message, you’re excited to be there. You’re honored to be there, but it can get overwhelming. And that’s where I love the saying ”be where your feet are”. It’s important to remember to take those clearing breaths in through the nose and out through the mouth; they help to calm our nervous system and regulate us.

So, being able to have a space where we can do that, whether, which I usually feel like there is, there’s a green room, there’s someplace that can be a calm area to be able to get your mind right to breathe in and out, and then getting on stage and just being in that moment because sometimes if I’m not in that moment, I joke that I feel like I black out.

We go to tunnel vision because we’re just, we’re just so excited. You blackout a little bit, and you also miss opportunities for connection, enjoyment, and being able to read cues from the audience to engage as needed. But the idea of being where your feet are and staying grounded at that moment is going to be one of the most helpful aspects as the speaker, but then also kind of just reminding from the planner side to give those words of encouragement and telling people to have fun and enjoy it.

Because usually, that’s what the speaker is there to do. They’re there to educate, enlighten, and motivate, and it’s fun that we get to do so while having that little reminder beforehand to enjoy it, have fun, and not take it so seriously.

Vinni: Yes, lovely. Very good. Regarding technology, we understand that we cannot live without it, but what aspects do you sometimes see that play a destructive role?

Of course, we know technology has many good roles in giving us more autonomy and automating many processes. On the other hand, how can we deal with technology? Is it something that the event planner should use in their activities?

Or how can we, as participants of events, learn better how to use technology for ourselves and the event? Of course, We want to share those moments. We want to post on social media and take pictures, which is essential. In fact, on January 1st, we saw something like that with people in Paris, in the Champs Elysees; everyone was recording their phone at that moment. Almost everyone was recording. People were less interested in being there and more interested in showing the internet; it was practically hectic for me.

Rosa: Oh, yeah, I understand what you mean. As humans, we tend to get FOMO (Fear Of Missing Out), so we want to be able to show people, ”Look where I am, look what I’m doing. ” And so you’re excited about that. Sharing that moment with the aid of technology can be used for good.

It can also be used for nefarious purposes. I like to utilize technology by taking pictures because it’s fun to take pictures with people you may not always see. They could visit clients or vendors and take pictures showing that we did this, which is fun. However, I prefer waiting until the end of the day or waiting until downtime to be able to post it.

Necessarily, I wouldn’t say I liked having to post it right away at that moment. So that’s the mindful aspect of it. Can we take the picture and then return to connecting at that moment? And then post later because there is so much you miss when you’re constantly just streaming or doing other things. And as you said, it also ruins the backdrop because if you want to go, like you were talking about, the Champs Elysees to see all of the beautiful architecture, well, it’s less beautiful with all the selfies sticks, right?

So it brings a different experience to it. Technology is great in the capacity that it allows for connections and integration. Especially now when we have phones that enable you to bump contact information, which makes things so easy. However, it’s dependent on how we use it. There are so many times when I encourage people to take brain breaks. Sometimes, you must look at pictures or videos of a cat doing something silly because you have been in work mode so much and must turn your brain off for a minute. To help you do this more efficiently, set a timer on your phone for five minutes or 10 minutes so you know when you get away from your phone screen because social media is designed to suck us in very quickly and then an hour or so later spit us out. And we’re like, what time warp did we go away in? And so it’s being able to say, can I put parameters in? For myself to hold myself accountable for things. Can we do that?  

Vinni: Yeah, that’s perfect. We can discuss many things about using technology for mindfulness and how we can be better when we incorporate that into our lives.

As you said, it’s all about how I use mindfulness for my benefit, especially not that we will have all those VR sets launched by Apple. Vision Pro will play a significant role in shifting how we function in society. But I think we need to learn how to design our conferences and events to allow us to embrace and remember those moments. We can find the appropriate moment and schedule when we have time for social media and photos or bump our phones for contact sharing.  

Rosa: Yeah, but even in this capacity, it’s exciting to figure out how we can still have a mindful conference experience, even in the virtual platform. I wrote an article about how you can have a mindful conference experience because so much comes down to active listening. And so often, we want to speak when the other person is talking when we’re not listening to what they say. We’re just waiting for our turn to talk. But when we’re in breakout rooms or inside sessions in a virtual conference platform, it’s different because you’re trying to be attentive, trying your best not to have distractions coming from your background, trying to put your phone on do not disturb. 

So, when we’re conscious of our actions and practice mindfulness, we can have intentional conversations and ensure that everyone is heard and listened to. We can practice these different elements in face-to-face and virtual conference settings. 

Vinni: I agree. We need to create those opportunities where, regardless of in-person or online activities, attendees can take advantage of this and understand the more time you spend in front of screens, the more it can create some damage. If we know how to use mindfulness effectively, we can create many opportunities for people to have natural conversations and be present in our connections.

Rosa: Yeah. Opportunities for breaks are significant, especially at conferences. Sometimes, events go on for 90 or 120 minutes, so you need to consider inserting little breaks there. As a planner, you must ask questions like, “How long would I want to stay seated?”

Listening to somebody for a very long time can be immensely tasking no matter how engaging the speaker might be; you’re still sitting for that amount of time, so even in that, adding little breaks like 15 minutes here can help reset moments and give people the opportunity to get up, move, go to the bathroom, take a call, drink some water or get a bite to eat. Essentially, they do not feel I must sit here for 90 minutes or 60 minutes listening to people drone on for hours.

Vinni: Have you been using AI to help you with mindfulness or your workshops? Have you tried or haven’t you tried any AI tool?  

Rosa: Oh yeah, it helps make my life a lot easier. I use AI to help create outlines for workshops and programs that I want to do. I like AI as a tool because I can tell it what I need, and it’s much easier to manipulate and edit than trying to get the information myself. Also, sitting down and going from start to finish all on your own can be tasking and occasionally very hard, so when you put some prompts to AI to help get the juices flowing and to provide more direction, it can be rewarding. Having different words with different meanings can be a plus, or sometimes, I can have AI write some meditations for me. Suppose I have a terrible day where I go blank on ideas or need new words that I’m not necessarily using in my everyday vocabulary. In that case, AI can provide that for me, which is impactful, so it’s such a great tool to tap into and utilize it.

Honestly, the biggest thing I use it for (maybe I shouldn’t share this) is creating session title names. Most of the time, I have many different workshops and keynote talks that apply to other things because many are unique to the conference or the company I work for. There are only so many ways that I know how to say something. So I can tell AI and say, ”This is about stress management including goal setting, elements of mindfulness, avoiding burnout….” it’ll spit out session titles, and I can take and choose which ones I like. That helps me; it’s almost like having somebody else that I get to tap into their brain power.   

Vinni: That’s beautiful. We all need to embrace AI and apply it to everything we do because, as you said, it can give us many options to play with and choose from and even open us to more opportunities. In the end, it’s always our expertise that matters because, without it, AI can’t provide what we need. We’re never going to rely on what AI told us. We need to use that as a very creative process. But if we don’t have our experience, and we did some research with the aid of AI on a particular topic, it can produce some very boring content and would not deliver what we need. 

Rosa: It’s also a substantial time-saving tool because I can use it. I sit here and try to rack my brain to come up with something, or I can throw the prompts in and edit what comes out. Sometimes, I even use it if I have to write a paragraph about what I will be talking about or my presentation. I could write the paragraph, but then I can throw it into chat GPT and say, I want to have this with a more serious tone or a more flowery tone, and it would do the exact thing a copywriter would do in less time.

Vinni: Exactly. It’s a powerful tool; we must understand its impacts and how they will change the world forever. As with many things we are doing, we need to start designing a new way for our events and society to take advantage of those new elements.

In the same way, you are dealing with your child at home, and we are recording this podcast, society was not designed to deal with children while we are doing other stuff. If we think about the events we organize, our workspace, and everything else for a person taking care of a child, they stay home, and we build things outside for people without children.

But eventually, we need to rebuild workplaces, airports, and venues in a way that shows we consider people with children.

Rosa: Yeah. And some cultures and societies beautifully integrate children, whereas others, like the U.S., are probably one of the least favorable. We were in Spain a couple of years ago, and that was a beautiful example of countries that love children and incorporate children as a regular part of society. You’ll see children out at dinner and the parks; they’re just there, and people don’t see them as cumbersome. They see it as just a part of society; to me, that is such a beautiful thing.  

Vinni: Yes, exactly. We are at a time when our generation is more conscious about things like this. The next generation needs to understand how they are going to be better. It’s the same with cars. We build cities to be car-friendly, but the city should be people-friendly first before being car-friendly, and there are a lot of projects going on about this. Some downtown cities are investing a lot in this. Even in Manhattan during Christmas, they closed Fifth Avenue to avoid cars coming in or out and had only people walking. Those things are incredible, and we need to bring this to our events, including mindfulness, meditation, and well-being as core aspects.

It should be a staple of conferences but must still be part of most of them. Maybe for some, but for most conferences I attend, you get very busy and return home tired.

Rosa: Yeah. I grew up with my mom, who went to conferences all the time, and she always traveled all over the world.

And I was like, ”Oh, you went to all these places.” And she said, ”I went there, but I didn’t.” When you land at the airport, you see the airport to the hotel. If the conference is a center attached to the hotel, that’s all you know unless you have an offsite for dinner somewhere.

Whereas I love the integration of walking tours for people who came in early or staying late, it might be just a little opportunity to see and explore the city.

You can do your work but also go out and explore. Sometimes, that is put on the attendees themselves. But when conferences integrate a walking tour or some other method of learning about the city or experiencing it, that’s an enjoyable way to bring wellness in a different way that doesn’t feel like wellness or well-being, but it is to a conference.  

Vinni: Yes, that’s awesome. I learned a lot today, and I hope most people watching and listening to this can also apply what we’ve discussed to their daily lives and events and build new habits.

As you mentioned, let’s eat outside our desks. Let’s have a moment without our mobile phones and scrolling through our screens and take care of our minds and mental health. That is so important for ourselves and the next generations. So yeah, I appreciate it. Is there anything else you would like to share today?

Do you have any last advice? Is there anything you are building right now, a book you’re reading, or something you are doing right now that is helping you?  

Rosa: Gosh, well, I have one of my favorite books, which everybody should read. It’s called The Four Agreements.

This is one of my favorite books. It’s very small. It’s by Don Miguel Ruiz. To him, the four agreements are: be impeccable with your words,  don’t take anything personally, don’t make assumptions, and always do your best. So, I always bring these up in workshops because these are the fundamental foundations of how we can behave. Still, it’s also a great way to integrate mindfulness into our way of life, give people the benefit of the doubt, and understand that everybody is out there trying to do their best. 

And that sometimes stuff is going to happen, but it’s how we manage it that makes all the difference. 

Vinni: That’s perfect. Yeah, that’s awesome. I love that. Thank you so much, Rosa. It was a great pleasure to talk to you. 

Rosa: Thank you so much for having me. I’m pleased to connect with you.

Vinni: Perfect. Yeah. Thank you everyone. Thank you for joining us for another InEvent talks episode, and we will be back soon with another special guest for you. Thank you everyone. Thank you.

Thank you for tuning in to this enlightening episode of InEvent Talks. Today’s discussion with Rosa Castano highlighted the importance of integrating wellness into event planning and provided practical strategies for fostering environments that support and nurture mental health. As we wrap up, we hope you take away valuable insights on designing mindful spaces that can transform any event into a rejuvenating experience for organizers and attendees.

Remember, the success of an event isn’t measured solely by its content or execution but also by its positive impact on the well-being of its participants. We encourage you to apply the lessons shared by Rosa in your next event to create more inclusive, supportive, and mindful experiences.

Join us again for more episodes as we explore innovative ways to enhance your professional gatherings. Whether planning your next big event or looking to refine your current strategies, InEvent is here to support you every step of the way. Until next time, keep creating spaces that matter.

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