How to record a livestream session

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Posted on October 14, 2022

Knowing how to record a Livestream or choosing the right streaming platform has become an integral part of lead conversion in the sales funnel. In this article, we discuss everything you need to know about recording a Livestream like a pro!

How does Livestream work?

In the past, sending a video over the internet seemed impossible, but advances in live-streaming technology have made it a far more attainable prospect. In today’s age, it takes broadcasters only seconds to get the broadcast up and appearing on their viewers’ screens.

Livestreaming is the recording and broadcasting of video content in real-time. The broadcaster sends a live video feed over the internet, and anyone with internet access can watch it. To do this, you’ll need the following:

  • A camera or smartphone.
  • A laptop computer or tablet -wireless internet connection.
  • live streaming software -good lighting for your video.
  • People who are following your Livestream on social media so that they know when to tune in.

Why record a livestream video?

By recording your live streams, you can auto-archive your content and share it as VOD. Keeping a record of your live events allows your viewers to rewatch them whenever they want. Recording a livestream becomes important to reach new markets and to promote your brand to anyone who might be stumbling into your content in the future. 

How to record a livestream video 

You can record a livestream through one or more of the following 4 methods listed below – 

  1. Recording via streaming software
  2. Livestream recording via in-built recording screen capturing tools
  3. You can also record via a video platform or:
  4. Via a hardware encoder

We’ll take a look at how each method records live streaming videos.

Live Stream Recording via InEvent Streaming Software

There are two types of software for capturing a live stream recording. The two most common are encoding software and streaming software which contain live stream recording capabilities. Most times, the two are merged into one.

InEvent allows you to download any type of live broadcasting you created and use it to promote your virtual and hybrid events. Recorded videos are great for building hybrid and virtual events case studies on virtual live conferences, virtual meetings, virtual networking, virtual exhibitions, offsite meetings, offsite events, and any other live stream broadcast for events.

You can also pre-record your livestream with On Demand, also known as Video On Demand (VOD), which allows viewers to watch the selected videos whenever at their schedule’s convenience. With this option, viewers can pause, play, fast-forward, rewind, and re-watch the videos On-Demand as much as they would like.

How to enable room recording?

To enable room recording, go to Agenda > Activities, and select the activity you wish to enable this on. In the Details tab, scroll until you see Room recording. Click on Edit and tick the checkbox to enable this functionality.

Live Stream Recording via Built-In Screen Capture Tools

You can also record live streams by using the screen capture tools built into your computer, which are available on both Macs and Windows. Here’s how live stream recording works on each of these operating systems.

Screen Recording with Mac

Mac’s built-in screen recording tools are really easy to use and work great. If you’re using a Mac, here are the steps to record your video and share it

  1. The recording tool can be opened by pressing “shift” + “command” + “5”
  2. Select which part of the stream you want to record using the control panel at the bottom
  3. Under the “Options” menu, choose where you want to save the recording, then click “Capture” to begin recording.
  4. Once you have pressed “shift” + “command” + “5”, choose “Stop Recording”.
  5. When you’ve finished recording your stream, you can access it by navigating to your chosen save location. 

Screen Recording with Windows

Here’s how you can easily make a screen recording on a Windows system

  1. To open the recording tool, click “Win” + “G”
  2. When prompted, make any necessary adjustments
  3. To begin recording, click “Start Recording”
  4. Stop recording by clicking “Record”
  5. Go to the location where the file was saved by clicking the pop-up window

Try disabling the Game Bar or reinstalling Xbox if you have trouble.

Live Stream Recording via a Video Platform

Streaming services are free and easy, but not all of them are created equal. In this post I’ll walk you through how to use the most popular platforms for streaming video. All of them have their benefits and drawbacks, so it’s up to you to choose what’s best for your needs.

A professional platform for live streaming has several advantages over local recording. For example, you needn’t worry about the processing power or storage space required for transcoding locally. Furthermore, you don’t have to worry about local disk failures with this approach.

In addition to maintaining full control of your content when streaming with an OVP, like Dacast, you also have the benefit of having redundant RAID servers. It makes sense from that perspective. Make sure you review all the features of the platform and the plan you have before trying to record your live stream.

 Live Stream Recording via a Hardware Encoder

In contrast to the encoders we covered earlier, hardware encoders do not need a computer to work, as they are standalone and function independently. One of the most important things you need to do before recording your live stream is to make sure you have the right hardware. 

This high speed comes at a price, as hardware encoders have specialized internal components and firmware, and they don’t share resources with any other processors. This high speed comes at a price, as hardware encoders have specialized internal components and firmware, and they don’t share resources with any other processors. To ensure optimal performance, consider leveraging professional firmware development services to customize and optimize the firmware of your hardware encoders.

Hardware encoders can save content to internal disks. Some, like Matrox Monarch HD, are optimized for that purpose. Depending on the recording program, you may have to plug in an external hard drive before you can begin recording.

Hardware encoders offer less flexibility overall. Some hardware encoders don’t support simultaneous live streaming or recording at all.

How to Monetize Live Stream Recordings

By recording your live streams and uploading them as on-demand VOD content, you can increase your revenue generation, both in terms of time and sales. Moneywise, video is a highly valuable investment.

To many businesses and organizations, high-quality prerecorded video content is just as valuable as gold. The point is that, with good care and management, it will give a good return. Instead of just wasting things on viewers, use them to one’s own advantage.

If you aren’t already aware, the NBA now primarily generates revenue from live television broadcasts. Subscriptions also have access to on-demand coverage of live-streamed content. Stream recording allows avid sports fans with busy schedules or no cable to watch every game from their favorite teams on their own schedule.

Final Thoughts on How to Record Streaming Video

In particular, live stream recordings are ideal for attracting new audiences, enhancing engagement, and providing content for true supporters, as well as making them available on demand. As a bonus, they can also enhance revenue generation.

What is your experience recording live streams? We’d love to hear about it. 


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